לטייל  לחוות  לטעום 

Tour Guide for Israel - small group tours, private tour guide
Erez Dayan

Taking tour during a trip to Israel can enhance your travel experience - learn about the area from someone who lives there. Arrange tours ahead of time, when you are planning your trip.

If you have never traveled to  Israel before, but do not want to do an arranged package tour where you travel with the same group for the whole trip, consider doing an independent trip, but "supplementing" by arranging several day tours.
If it is your first time in Jerusalem and you are there for four nights, you could arrange two half day tours and spend the rest of the time exploring yourself. 
If you are having a week in the Tel Aviv, spend one day with a me to see some of the wineries, historic sites or places you may not find on your own.

See our list of Classified Listings below for some interesting companies offering tours in many parts of  Israel . Get a tour of a major city (Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Hifa), or of a smaller city (Ako, Tiberyas, Tsfat) or do a countryside tour (Negev, Golan, Galilee) have a nice trip
